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Situated just 90 minutes south-west of Townsville, 'The World' as it's affectionately know, is scenic gold mining city that's big on history and character. From chance discovery of gold in 1871 by a youg Aboriginal horse boy Jupiter Mosman and the proclamation of a goldfield in 1872, Chaters Towers soon turned into a bustling metropolis, which in its hayday boasted being the second largest dcity in Queensland!

So large was Charters Towers to become, that at the height of the gold rush the town included 11 crushing mills, 65 hotels and one of the very first regional Stock Exchanges in Australia, which still stands proudly at the end of the main street (Gill St).


Venus Gold Battery
Stock Exchange
Poppet Head
Exdelsior Library
Gold, Greed, Ghost and Grandeur

To get a feel of the city pick up a Heritage Walking Map from the Visitor Information Centre and walk the One Square Mile. This is a comfortable stroll which takes the best of the city's heritage listed architecture, like the World Theatre, City Hall and the Post Office.

Links to the glory days of mining can still be explored by mjoining the Gosts of Gold heritage Trail, which includes a trip to Australia's largest surviving battery relic, the Venus Gold Battery.

Not all of Charters Towers' past is gold however. A drive or walk up Towers Hill play testament to the fact it was a significant allied military base in World War II with some 30 concrete bunkers dotted throughout the surrounding hills still visible. 

Click the More To See & Do box to discover  more on the sights of interest in Charters Towers.



Situated just 10 km from the famous gold city of Charters Towers , is Leahton Park. This property is home to Horseshoe B Longhorns - the largest herd of purebred Texas Longhorn cattle in Australia and the famed Bethel Saddlery custom saddle shop. Operating from Leahton Park is the award winning Texas Longhorn Wagon Tour & Safaris.

Tors Drive In Cinema

Welcome to the Tors Drive-In, Charters Towers, Queensland. We are one of the oldest drive-in theatres in Queensland, and have been open continuously since 1966!

Come along to see the lastest movies and recapture some of the nostalgia of the drive-in era.

You'll always get double features at the Tors for less than the price of a single movie at other cinemas and we have the best hot food and candy bar in town at the lowest prices!

Our Address

Contact Us

We Accept

24-26 Dalrymple Road

Charters Towers Q 4820

TEL: 07 47871121


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